The mission of the Minnesota Council for the Social Studies is to support, advocate for, and celebrate excellence in the teaching and learning of social studies in Minnesota.
Board Meetings
The Board meets several times a year and organizes an annual conference for social studies educators, which takes place in late February or early March.
MCSS Constitution
In 2013, the MCSS Board of Directors proposed a revision and updating to the organizing document (previously called the Constitution) to incorporate changes in the law and nonprofit practice. These are the changes:
Separate Articles of Incorporation from the Bylaws
Leave in the Articles of Incorporation the items required by Minnesota law, the document must be filed by the Secretary of State
Move the rules of operation to the Bylaws to simply make future changes to meet the needs of the organization
A vote on the Revised and Reinstated Articles of Incorporation was taken at the annual MCSS meeting on March 11, 2013.